Aims and Scope: Journal of Positive Sciences (JPS) is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. It investigates theoretical and experimental aspects of causes and effects in following disciplinaries:
  • Applied Sciences
  • Nanotechnology
  • Solid State Physics
  • Optical Communication
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Differential Equation
  • fuzzy logic and set
  • Integral equation
  • Laser Applications
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Ceramic
  • Polymers
  • Composite Materials
  • Materials
  • Image Processing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Networks
  • Modelling and Simulations
  • Thin Films
  • Mechanical Properties
  • Environment
  • Statistics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Semiconductor physics and devices
  • Simulation and Modelling
  • Solar cells
  • Applied Physics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics
  • Ecology
  • Environment
  • Computer Science
  • Control
  • Architecture
  • Law
  • Linguistics
The journal accepts full length papers, short papers, technical aspects of policy & standardization, letters offering new research thoughts and experimental ideas, and invited papers on important and emerging topics authored by expertises.

Journal of Positive Sciences (JPS), Open Access Bi-monthly Journal, published in scientfic cooperation with ISBM College of Engineering, Pune.

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Bibliographic information

TitleJournal of Positive Sciences (JPS)
FrequencyBimonthly (Updated on Jan. 2022)
Chief EditorProf. Dr. Ganesh Dongre
Starting Year2021
Publication Format Online
Publication ModeOpen Access
    Important Interested authors can submit their articles through JPS online submission and tracking system; article must be written in English and fulfil the following specifications:
  • * Kindly note that, as of Jan, 2024, journal template is being changed and the same is downloadable for here (Paper will NOT be Considered If Used Other Than JPS Template)
    References to be formatted in either IEEE style or APS style.
    No salutation i.e. (prof, Dr, Mr, etc.) to be mentioned on Name Section
    Use Headings i.e. Abstract_JPS, Heading 1_JPS, Figures_JPS, Body_JPS, etc. while formatting the article, Kindly make sure that every section in the article is matching the concern Heading.
  • Research articles must indicate original research work with all results and numerical findings
  • All Figures are cited unless original
  • Article must be holding straightforward abstract including the main contribution of the said article (within 100-200 words)
  • Author must prepare the graphs in high resolution i.e. eps or visio format

Submission Agreement: Uploading of article only through submission system of JPS, by doing so, author (s) is/are mutually understood that article is original and not submitted elsewhere. Upon reviewing report, if article is said accepted, it will be published on the said issue and JPS will reserve all copy write of further processes e.g. citations.

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